COVID-19 Actuaries Response Group

Vaccines: Coverage, hesitancy, and public health response

Bulletin 110 | Josephine Robertson

Herd immunity thresholds, though interesting, fail to recognise the heterogeneity in our population in our daily behaviour and in vaccine hesitancy. There are ways to tailor the vaccination roll-out to allow for this diversity, and to engage with the reasons for vaccine hesitancy.

This Bulletin looks at the major issues involved, drawing on what we now know about vaccine effectiveness and take-up experience to date. We conclude that public health policy should reflect a deep knowledge of the population to tailor vaccination programmes, surveillance and outbreak responses accordingly in order to manage infection as non-pharmaceutical interventions are slackened.

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Josephine Robertson

Health & Care Actuary

Josephine Robertson is a Health and Care actuary with keen interest in the interplay of demographic risk, public health, policy, health systems and insurance industry.

Working with pension schemes, insurers and reinsurers, Josephine has experience in the ongoing management of demographic risk, including longevity, mortality, and morbidity. Josephine applies this expertise, alongside public health knowledge, when working in the public interest on the provision and sustainability of universal health coverage.

Josephine has a MA in Economics, a Master of Public Health, is a Fellow of the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries and a Chartered Enterprise Risk Actuary.

She is an active volunteer within the actuarial profession including the COVID-19 Action Taskforce, professional education process and the Population Health Management research working party.

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